Why People are Talking about Carbon Neutral Shipping?

Carbon Neutral Shipping is the new frontier of environmentalism and sustainability in the maritime industry. It is the practice of shipping goods without emitting or emitting in low amounts, any Carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This can be accomplished through a variety of means such as using alternative fuels, investing in Carbon offsets, or increasing efficiency. Carbon Neutral Shipping is not only good for the environment, but it also makes good business sense. It can help to improve a company's public image, attract new customers, and reduce operating costs. In an increasingly competitive marketplace, Carbon Neutral Shipping is one way to give your company a competitive edge. As awareness of the need for carbon neutrality grows, more and more companies are sure to begin implementing Carbon Neutral Shipping practices. Now is the time to get ahead of the curve with Color Block. Where we are partnering with UPS carbon neutral to help you offset the ca...